Lecture adapted from stand up paddle with pet bottles in physical education classes


  • Thiago Zagare




By this study we aimed to show how you can adapt the physical education classes to adventure sports, in case the stand up paddle. The physical education classes are turning slowly, because teachers are looking to specialize and transform their classes into something more attractive and interesting to their students, proposing new knowledge. The practice of SUP is done in a water environment, with a board, a paddle and a floating vest. The physical education teacher may take the sport to his students with some adaptations of all equipment, such as plastic bottle plank, the broom handle paddle or curtain rod with a tennis ball on the end, which facilitates the teaching of SUP. His practice also brings an awareness of the environment, which is now increasingly being destroyed and polluted by waste that can be reused and recycled, such as plastic bottles, which in this work were transformed into planks stand up for education class’s physics in school.

Key-words: physical education, adventure sport, stand up paddle, teaching.



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How to Cite

Zagare, T. (2015). Lecture adapted from stand up paddle with pet bottles in physical education classes. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, 4(8), 79–95. https://doi.org/10.5902/2318133816975


