Public administration and the need to counter and prevent bullying considering the possibility of professors and educational institutions holding aforesaid responsability
Bullying represents one of the greatest challenges professors and educational administrators have to address. This emerges in consequence of a theoretical and practical shortcoming of those professionals when identifying and handling bullying occurrences. The present work aimed for students in the Programa Especial de Formação de Professores para o Ensino Profissional of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. On a methodological approach, this research could be classified and quantitative. The conducted survey consisted of twelve multiple choice questions and one optional free response query in which the participants would narrate a personal bullying experience. The results showed how common bullying is inside the selected educational environment, in what manner it varies in between victim and perpetrator genres, its characteristics, where it takes place, as well as the aftereffects on the victim psyche. In conclusion it seems imperative to deploy a public administration policy which would focus on the pedagogical formation of educational actors who are furthermore obliged to identify and prevent the bullying situation.
Key-words: bullying, children and adolescents, public administration, responsibility.
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