Dialogues possible through of Projovem
It was researched Projovem, a formation and inclusion policy for the youth, through observation, qualitative analysis and participatory research, from which it is constructing texts that discuss the different discourses used by the program / context. What kinds of discourses are ingrained from its drafting, through passing teachers and students so that, theoretically, reaffirm the place of exclusion that young people already occupy in society. Due how the curriculum is articulated, the mode of operation and organization of this program, cooperate for a functional literacy. The initial series of school memories, as well as the living conditions of students, impregnate testimonies collected in this research. The trajectories of these young school failures continuous, in the initial series, made us investigate the construction of this failure at school. The data were collected through interviews, observations at the school where Projovem is held, in the city of Canoas.
Key-words: Projovem, exclusion, inclusion, functional illiteracy, school failure.
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