Effects of burnout on the career of controllership professionals





Burnout, Controllership, Stress, Quality of life, Mental health


Purpose – This research focused exclusively on professionals in the area of ​​controllership, due to the high exposure of this group to intense levels of stress and pressure, and aimed to identify the effects of burnout on their careers. The specific objectives include investigating the causes of burnout, analyzing the physical and mental effects on health and well-being, assessing its impact on productivity and professional performance, examining prevention and intervention strategies, and investigating its consequences on job satisfaction and turnover intentions.

Design/methodology/approach – The research is qualitative and used semi-structured interviews to collect data, content analysis was used to analyze the data and NVivo software was used to organize the transcribed data.

Findings – The results emphasize the importance of self-care, psychological support and a healthy and balanced work environment, where professionals can feel valued and motivated.

Practical implications - The results of this research are expected to contribute to the knowledge about burnout in the area of ​​controllership, providing valuable insights for prevention and intervention in this phenomenon. It is expected that these findings will inspire effective actions by organizations, aiming to promote the mental health and well-being of professionals, resulting in a healthier, more engaged and productive workforce.

Originality/value (mandatory) – The originality of this study lies in addressing burnout specifically in the area of ​​controllership, considering both organizational factors and individual aspects in an integrated manner.


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Author Biographies

Letticia Pinheiro de Oliveira Barros, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Master in Business Administration (PUC-SP), Specialist in Administration (FGV-SP), Trilingual Secretary from FMU.

Leonardo Nelmi Trevisan, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Degree in History (1976), a master's degree in Economic History (1984) and a PhD in Political Science (1993), all from the University of São Paulo. He obtained post-doctorate degrees in the area of ​​Labor Economics from the University of London (1997) and Warwick University (1998), both with a scholarship from FAPESP.

Elza Fátima Rosa Veloso, FIA Business School / Mestrado Profissional em Gestão de Negócios

Master in Administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), with a CAPES scholarship (2003). She completed a Sandwich Doctorate at FEA-USP / Northern Illinois University (CAPESP scholarship, 2008), with a doctorate degree obtained from the School of Economics, Administration and Accounting of the University of São Paulo (2009), the same institution where she completed her postdoctoral studies, with a FAPESP scholarship (2015), and the free teaching competition (2017).

Marcelo Antonio Treff, FIA Business School / Mestrado Profissional em Gestão de Negócios

PhD in Social Sciences from PUC-SP; Master in Administration from Mackenzie Presbyterian University; Specialist in Higher Education Didactics from Mackenzie Presbyterian University and Specialist in Human Resources from Mackenzie Presbyterian University.

João Pinheiro de Barros Neto, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Post-Doctorate and Doctorate in Sociology from PUC-SP, Master in Administration from PUC-SP, Specialist in Production and Industrial Operations Administration from FGV and Administrator with a degree in Foreign Trade.


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How to Cite

Barros, L. P. de O., Trevisan, L. N., Veloso, E. F. R., Treff, M. A., & Barros Neto, J. P. de. (2024). Effects of burnout on the career of controllership professionals. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 17(4), e6. https://doi.org/10.5902/1983465988986


