Spirals of knowledge in geographical indications: the brazilian wine sector case
Geographical indication, Knowledge management, Wine sectorAbstract
Purpose: This paper aims to verify how the construction of spirals of knowledge of geographical indications occurs in the Brazilian wine sector and to identify the conversion of the knowledge of Geographical Indication (GI) from tacit to explicit according to the SECI model (the epistemological spiral). Additionaly, to identify how the ontology spiral occurs in the opinion of government agencies, associations and managers of wineries.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research was qualitative and exploratory.The study was delimited to the Brazilian wine sector. All interviews were conducted in person. Twenty interviews with interest groups: government agencies (5 interviews), associations (5 interviews) and managers of wineries (10 interviews).
Purpose: This paper aims to verify how the construction of spirals of knowledge of geographical indications occurs in the Brazilian wine sector and to identify the conversion of the knowledge of Geographical Indication (GI) from tacit to explicit according to the SECI model (the epistemological spiral). Additionally, to identify how the ontology spiral occurs in the opinion of government agencies, associations, and managers of wineries.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research was qualitative and exploratory. The study was delimited to the Brazilian wine sector. All interviews were conducted in person. There were twenty interviews with interest groups: government agencies (5 interviews), associations (5 interviews), and managers of wineries (10 interviews).
Findings: The Epistemological Spiral is constructed at the individual, group, and organization levels, within the wineries, converting tacit to explicit knowledge according to the SECI model. The Ontology Spiral is completed with the inter-organizational level that, in the case of Geographical Indications, is formed by the Associations. The Ontology spiral is produced in the context of GIs, and the wineries have the generation of knowledge in each one of them and, at the same time, interact within the Associations and form a representative body of GIs.
Originality: Within the GIs, there is the generation of knowledge, which is shared between the coopetitors. Knowledge Management of Geographical Indication emerges, and the block that forms the body of the association produces knowledge that adds experiences and strengths of each individual, group and organization, culminating in the dissemination of superior knowledge.
Originality: Within the GIs, there is the generation of knowledge, which is shared between the coopetitors. Knowledge Management of Geographical Indication emerges and the block that forms the body of the association produces knowledge that adds experiences and strengths of each individual, group, organization, culminating in a dissemination of knowledge superior.
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