Customer Compliance: an analysis of publications and a research agenda proposal
Customer compliance, Customer conformity, Customer centricity, Contemporary managementAbstract
Purpose: In addition to the renowned Customer Centricity Strategy, this article aims to analyze and understand the theme of Customer Compliance as another relationship strategy with the market in the context of contemporary marketing management. Additionally, it proposes a research agenda to drive the application and comprehension of this theme in society. Design/methodology/approach: Bibliometric analysis and Systematic Literature Review using the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Findings: The following results were obtained: (a) New business models, especially those involving e-commerce, seek to enhance and expand the adoption of customer compliance in their processes, (b) customer compliance is a topic that is being increasingly used in marketing and, consequently, is attracting more attention from academics for knowledge production about it, (c) customer compliance is a theme with strong interaction with the consumer behavior area, especially in the service sector, promoting value co-creation with companies through cost reduction sharing due to adherence to previously established processes. Originality/value: This study presents a comprehensive analysis of customer compliance, outlining its definitions and key attributes. It also synthesizes theoretical and practical insights from relevant articles and explores three theoretical frameworks related to customer satisfaction, consumer-employee relationships, and customer behavior, along with research methodologies employed.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luciana Faluba Damázio, Helena Belintani Shigaki, João Luiz Soares, Carlos Alberto Gonçalves

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