The use of adaptive project management practices and methodologies in the development of a professional doctoral program




Professional Doctorate, Adaptive Project Management, Postgraduate, Project Management, CAPES


Purpose – Higher education institutions have used more and more project management tools to run development projects to create new professional postgraduate programs. The purpose of this research was to propose an adaptive project management model for creating a professional doctoral course in Business Administration, in order to fulfill the goals established by CAPES.

Design/methodology/approach – For such, the qualitative approach was favored with the adoption of the single case study method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with academic coordinators who are experts in the field in addition to the gathering of documents, thus using data triangulation to explore the phenomenon. The analysis of primary data and the analysis of documents from the Coordinating Agency for Advanced Training of Graduate Personnel (CAPES) served as inputs for analyzing and interpreting the results.

Findings – As a result, we developed an adaptive project management model with the following characteristics: a) constant planning of activities, occurring in every cycle of interactions; b) iteration using short activities, allowing for more control of the project; c) validations performed continuously to ensure the goals proposed by CAPES are reached; and d) adaptable to change of scope during the execution phase of the project life cycle.

Research limitations/implications – Among the limitations of the study is the lack of other studies related to the use of adaptive project management methodologies for developing postgraduate programs. And for future researches, we point out the need for applying the proposed model, to verify its efficacy and adherence to the development of a professional doctoral course.

Originality/value – This study contributes to the academy by highlighting the need for project management as a tool and technique for the development of stricto sensu professional graduate programs. In this way, HEIs will be able to use a model of adaptive project management practices to achieve the objectives proposed by the CAPES evaluation process. As a result, HEIs are strengthened in the management, control and monitoring of the progress of their programs.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Barroso De Azevedo, University Nove de Julho

Titulation: Master in Project Management Administration

City/Country of Origin: São Paulo / Brazil

Master (Professional Master's Degree) in Project Management Administration from Universidade Nove de Julho. Lato Sensu Specialist in Software Engineering from Universidade Nove de Julho (2011). Bachelor of Computer Science from Universidade Vale do Rio Doce (2008). He is currently Leader of Information Technology Projects in the organization TVF Software. Areas of interest and research: Project Management, Project Management Strategy, Innovation in Information Technology and Data Science.

Emerson Antônio Maccari, University Nove de Julho

Titulation: PhD in Business Administration

City/Country of Origin: São Paulo / Brazil

Associate Professor in Administration from the University of São Paulo - USP (2015). PhD in Business Administration from USP (2008) with Doctoral Internship at the University of Massachusetts Amherst - USA. Master in Administration from the Regional University of Blumenau - FURB (2002). Graduated in Administration (2000) and in Computer Science (1996) by FURB. Specialist in Information Technology applied to Business Management by FURB / INPG (1999). Productivity Researcher (PQ2 / CNPq). He was Director of the Professional Master in Administration: Project Management - MPA-GP - UNINOVE (2010-2012). He was Director of the Graduate Program in Administration - PPGA - UNINOVE (2012-2018). Research on the following topics: Postgraduate Management; Graduate Strategic Management; Graduate Evaluation System; CAPES Evaluation System; Strategy in Educational Projects; Information Technology Administration. Participated in the preparation of proposals for the implementation of Master and Doctoral Programs in the CAPES APCN System in the areas: Administration, Accounting, Tourism, Education, Engineering, Law and Health.

Nader Asgary, Bentley University

City/Country of Origin: Waltham MA, USA

Dr. Nader Asgary is currently a Professor of Management and Economics at Bentley University. He was named Associate Provost for International Relations and Director of the Cronin International Center (CIC) in 2006. As Associate Provost, he managed all things “international” at Bentley, and led many initiatives to enhance the globalization agenda of the University. He was instrumental in applying for and receiving two grants from the U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education to build comprehensive relations between Bentley and Universities in Europe and Brazil. He developed and managed production of Bentley Global Perspectives Magazine, an annual publication addressing all international undertakings and accomplishments at the University. He also developed relationships with international institutions worldwide, through study abroad programs, faculty research, and other endeavors. Dr. Asgary has published in numerous national and international journals, such as Economic Inquiry, Journal of Business Ethics, and Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management and has participated in many international and national conference presentations and has been a guest speaker and professional journal reviewer. He has taught courses in International Business, International Economics, International Management, Economics, Economic Development, Econometrics, and Finance at the undergraduate and graduate levels for more than 20 years, and has been the recipient of many educator awards.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, G. B. D., Maccari, E. A., & Asgary, N. (2021). The use of adaptive project management practices and methodologies in the development of a professional doctoral program. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 14(1), 44–62.




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