Credit card use: do brand equity and materialism influence impulsive buying behavior?
Impulsive Behavior, Brand Value, Credit Card, Materialism.Abstract
Purpose - This study aims to identify factors, such as materialism and brand equity, that can influence impulsive buying behavior associated with the use of a credit card.
Design/methodology/approach - We adopted the survey method, collecting 384 structured face-to-face questionnaires, focusing on the footwear industry. We collected the data in the state of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil, covering the seven mesoregions of the state. Confirmatory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, T test and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the data.
Findings – In this study, we find that brand equity does not impact impulsive buying behavior, but the credit card positively impacts impulsive buying behavior.
Research limitations/implications – The research was executed just in one province, so future research could be developed in other’s places and cultures
Practical Implications – This study can help scholars and managers of footwear industry understand impulsive buying behavior of its consumers.
Original value – This study shows the relationship between credit card use, materialism and impulsive buying behavior constructs.
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