Creation of companies aligned to the Effectuation decision model: a study with women entrepreneurs of a Brazilian northeastern city


  • Emanuelly Alves Pelogio Instituto Machadense de Ensino Superior - IMES
  • Luiz Célio Souza Rocha Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais - Câmpus Machado
  • Hilka Vier Machado Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM
  • Miguel Eduardo Moreno Añez Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.



This study aimed to ascertain whether women entrepreneurs in the Currais Novos city/RN used making decision processes aligned to the Effectuation logic throughout the creation of their companies. To this, was accomplished a descriptive study, whit a qualitative approach of analyse, using the thematic life history technique that match accounts and semi-structured interview route. To the interviews data analyse, was chosen the content analyse technique. As result, the entrepreneur women researched hadn’t clear initial aims at the companies’ creation moment, hadn’t aversion to the risk to lose the time and the money, they highlighted the products’ and services’ identity that offered with a strong link with Seridó/RN region, they had experience in the field of activity in which they decided to open their companies. This study conclude that the entrepreneur women used, in a big part, making decision processes aligned to the Effectuation logic throughout the creation of their companies.


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Author Biographies

Emanuelly Alves Pelogio, Instituto Machadense de Ensino Superior - IMES

Administradora, M.Sc. Professora de Administração do IMES - FUMESC.

Luiz Célio Souza Rocha, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais - Câmpus Machado

Administrador, M.Sc. Professor de Administração do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais - Câmpus Machado.

Hilka Vier Machado, Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM

Doutora  em  Engenharia  de  Produção  pela  Universidade  Federal  de  Santa  Catarina  –  UFSC 
Professora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM

Miguel Eduardo Moreno Añez, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN.

Pós-Doutor  em  Administração  Internacional  pela  École  des  Hautes  Études  Commerciales  de 
Professor  do  Programa  de  Pós-Graduação  em  Administração  da  Universidade  Federal  do  Rio 
Grande do Norte – PPGA/UFRN



How to Cite

Pelogio, E. A., Rocha, L. C. S., Machado, H. V., & Añez, M. E. M. (2017). Creation of companies aligned to the Effectuation decision model: a study with women entrepreneurs of a Brazilian northeastern city. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 9(4), 644–663.


