Entrevista com Raul Lejano
https://doi.org/10.5902/2357797574413Parole chiave:
Desenvolvimento, Brasil, Multilateralismo, Sustentabilidade, Mudança política climáticaAbstract
Because, first, some environmental issues have taken on even more global proportions --e.g., climate change and species loss, necessitating multilateral action in all continents. Secondly, because the urgency of these issues have increased --e.g., according to some accounts, extreme weather events (tropical cyclones, droughts) have become worse and more frequent than anticipated.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Lejano, R. Parâmetros para análise de políticas: a fusão de texto e contexto. Campinas: Arte Escrita. 2012
Lejano, R. Caring, Empathy, and the Commons: A Relational Theory of Collective Action, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 2023
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