Zionism as a theological-political problem in Leo Strauss





Zionism, Judaism, Messianism, Galut, Liberalism


For much of global public opinion, "Zionism" stands as the predominant and final visible manifestation of what throughout the 19th century and into the first half of the 20th century was referred to as the "Judenfrage," "Jewish Problem," or "Jewish Question". The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 marked a pivotal change, shifting the discourse away from the "Jewish Question" toward the complexities of "Zionism" and "anti-Zionism". This transition raises significant questions: How do we interpret this shift in terminology? What fundamentally defines Judaism? How do we differentiate it from Zionism? Why is there a recent trend towards conflating Judaism with Zionism? What is the political impact of various forms of Zionism – be it political, cultural, or religious – as they support the call for a restored State of Israel? How do these aspects interrelate with messianism, liberalism, and secular cultural frameworks? How can one maintain their Jewish identity in contemporary, liberal, and secular societies? Following the tragedy of the Holocaust, does the mythical ethos of the Shoah bolster the mythical ethos of the State of Israel, or the other way around? This essay seeks to engage deeply with these critical inquiries by thoroughly examining the "Zionist writings" of Leo Strauss.


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Author Biography

António José Ferreira Bento, Universidade de Beira Interior

Professor at the University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal) and researcher at Práxis - Center for Philosophy, Politics and Culture.


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How to Cite

Bento, A. J. F. (2024). Zionism as a theological-political problem in Leo Strauss. Revista InterAção, 15(4), e89730. https://doi.org/10.5902/2357797589730