Poetry Slam in socioeducation, Life-Words in Transform(action)
Slam poetry, Socioeducation, Lifes projects, Human emancipationAbstract
This study aims to explain educational practices built through the Poetry Slam (battles of spoken poetry) with adolescents and young people in fulfillment of socio-educational measure of hospitalization in a Center for Socio-educational Care to in a municipality in the state of São Paulo (Brazil). The discussions start from the results of a research-that analyzed the contribution of Slam poetry to the recognition and understanding of human rights and the construction of political and emancipatory Life Projects of adolescents and young people in fulfillment of socio-educational measure of Internment. In this context, an experience emerged in which it was possible to hold workshops guided by identity processes, autobiographical narratives and poetic performance. Moments in which significant and powerful youth empowerment movements were observed, with the systematization and appropriation of knowledge regarding human rights, historical contexts of experiences and (res)needs for construction of life projects. A transformative process in which subjects in deprivation of liberty revealed their existences through their bodies and words in a historical and singular way. Given this, educational practices with Poetry Slam contributed significantly to break marginalizing and exclusionary stigmas, opening spaces for the construction of political and emancipatory life projects, configuring the potential of liveswords that mobilize to the Transform(action).
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