A complexidade do conflito ambiental internacional e a mediação de conflitos. A atuação da Unidade de Apoio à Mediação da ONU
Conflict mediation. Environmental damage. Conflict. United NationsAbstract
The present study treats with the characteristics and peculiarities of the environmental conflict, highlighting the various aspects that permeate it and the interests in dispute when it comes to international relations, or even internal conflicts within the countries. Through the report of two specific cases in which one can better capture some of the characteristics and vicissitudes typical of the conflict involving the environment, some of the most present aspects of the environmental conflict are extracted. Lastly, based on the characteristics of these specific cases, the United Nations Mediation Support Unit is currently being set up, while the concrete experience better formulated at the global level for the treatment of the environmental conflict and its particularities. Methodologically, the study draws on the deductive bibliographic and documentary research and the case study, concluding that the United Nations currently has a multiple approach structure that is better suited to the treatment of regional and transnational environmental conflicts.Downloads
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