Os conflitos contemporâneos e a teoria de Sun Tzu: novas abordagens, antigos postulados


  • Sergio Ricardo Reis Matos Exército Brasileiro. Colaborador do Laboratório de Estudos de Sociedade e Defesa (LABDEF) da Escola Superior de Guerra.
  • Marcelo Bastos de Souza Exército Brasileiro. Instituto Meira Mattos da Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército.
  • Paulo Eduardo de Mello Perezino Exército Brasileiro.




comprehensive approaches, contemporary conflicts, indirect strategy, SunTzu


The current international scene is rather complex, especially since the 1990s, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the consequent breakdown of bipolar world order. The transformation of the United States of America in the unique global superpower has not brought expected peace to the international system, which can be verified with various conflicts. Since then, the States have to adapt their strategies to the military demands arising from this new situation. In this context, this work aims to analyze the applicability of the theory of war proposed by Sun Tzu in the context of contemporary conflicts. To achieve this purpose, the following specific objectives were aimed: to study the concepts and strategies related to the comprehensive approaches of contemporary conflicts; to study Chinese strategy, highlighting the Sun Tzu’s theory of war; and to discuss the influence of Sun Tzu’s assumptions in the contemporary conflicts. A qualitative approach was used, valuing the epistemology of complexity. The categories considered were indirect strategy, knowledge of the enemy; concealment and forecasting, time, preparation of the battlefield, and leadership. A literature review was made by means of bibliographical investigation. The discussion includes the content analysis and triangulation of interviews and texts about new conflicts. Finally, we infer there is validity and applicability of the theories of Sun Tzu to contemporary conflicts, recommending his work to any strategist of the XXI century.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Ricardo Reis Matos, Exército Brasileiro. Colaborador do Laboratório de Estudos de Sociedade e Defesa (LABDEF) da Escola Superior de Guerra.

Mestre em Relações Internacionais pela Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Especialista em Língua Portuguesa.

Marcelo Bastos de Souza, Exército Brasileiro. Instituto Meira Mattos da Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército.

Mestre em Ciências Militares pelo Instituto Meira Mattos. Especialista em História Militar.

Paulo Eduardo de Mello Perezino, Exército Brasileiro.

Mestre em Operações Militares pela Escola de Aperfeiçoamento de Oficiais. Especialista em Direito Militar. Bacharel em Direito.


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How to Cite

Matos, S. R. R., de Souza, M. B., & Perezino, P. E. de M. (2016). Os conflitos contemporâneos e a teoria de Sun Tzu: novas abordagens, antigos postulados. InterAção, 9(9). https://doi.org/10.5902/2357797517084


