Por uma leitura mais ampla: a contribuição da historiografia nas Relações Internacionais
Historiography. International Relations. French Tradition. English TraditionAbstract
The central objective of this paper is to understand the contribution of Historiography to the study of International Relations from the analysis of the French and English traditions. For this purpose, it will draw firstly the perspective on the historiographical field and concomitantly it will rescue the first historicist literature aimed at the understanding of international events. Then, the contours that mark the French and English historiographical traditions will be elucidated, respectively, with DUROSELLE (2000) and BULL (2002), their representatives par excellence. Through a balance to examine the scope and failures of each mentioned traditions, the article will focus the effects that the global dynamics grant to such intellectual productions. From these considerations, the paper will conclude the discussions understanding the historiographical studies as means to read the International Relations more amplified contextual and cognitively.
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