Relações entre Brasil e Índia: resgate histórico e potencialidades estratégicas atuais
International Relations between Brazil and India, India- -Brazil trade, South-South Cooperation, IBSA ForumAbstract
The Brazil India relations have shown significant growth in recent years, according with the trend of South-South cooperation. Contributed to increase depth of this partnership several factors related to historical and contemporary alliances in international multilateral negotiation, as articulated action on the G-20, the formation of the Dialogue Forum India, Brazil and South Africa - IBSA in 2003, and increasing participation coordinated in BRIC group. In light of this recent convergence, it remains to ascertain what are the limits placed for this alliance and what degree of interdependence derived from his approach. This paper assumes that the growth of cooperation between the two countries is the change in the world situation, where a multipolar scenario consolidates itself in opposition to attempts to rescues hegemonic role for U.S.A., operated since 2001, and also by enlargement of disagreements and economic policies between developed and developing countries.
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