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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Author and coauthors, if existent, are at least graduate students or, else, teachers, professors ando/or researchers with a master's degree.

  • The manuscript contains up to three (3) authors. Exceptions shall be requested to the Editor in chief by the moment of submission. No exceptions will apply shortly before or after publication.

  • Contributions must be original and unpublished, and shall not have been submitted for publication in another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in “Comments to the Editor”;

  • Submitted files must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format;

  • URLs must be informed in the references when necessary.

  • The text must be single-spaced; font size twelve (12); italics are to be used instead of underline (except in URL addresses); figures and tables must be embedded in the text and not attached in the end of the document.

  • The text must follow patterns of style and bibliographical requirements described in Authors Guidelines, in the section About the Journal.

  • In case of submitting the manuscript to a peer-review section (i.e. articles), it follows the available instructions in Ensuring Blind Peer Review.

  • The manuscript does not contain results of one or more studies with human beings or, if it is, it has been approved by a research ethics committee. In the latter case, the committee's approval shall be uploaded as a supplementary file. The journal does not publish research with human beings the has not been approved by a research ethics committee.

Author Guidelines

When filling out or updating the registration data, the user must pay attention to fields that must be informed, even if they do not have a mandatory sign (*), under penalty of submission rejection.

I.e.: ORCID; Abstract; Key words; Bio Statment; Affiliation.

ORCID registration may be done, free of charge, by accessing the page


InterAção Journal receives and publishes texts in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Articles must comprise up to twenty (20) pages (A4) according to the following rules:

a) left and top edges with three (3) centimeters and right and bottom edges with two (2) centimeters. Unnumbered pages;

b) first page:

b.1) centered title (maximum of ninety (90) characters, including spaces), with the first letter capitalized;

b.2) abstract, with a maximum of two hundred and fifty (250) words, below the article title, in Times New Roman, size eleven (11), single spaced and with justified alignment;

b.3) key words (minimum three (3), maximum five (5) in Times New Roman, size eleven (11), single-spaced, justified alignment and located below the abstract;

c) throughout the text: Times New Roman, size twelve (12), one point five (1.5) spaced, justified alignment and paragraph retreat of two (2) centimeters;

c.1) the structure of the text should follow the standards of scientific papers, containing: introduction, development (theoretical foundations, methodology, results and discussion; subchapters are allowed) and conclusion;

c.2) in order to ensure anonymity in the peer-review process, the text must not contain any evidence of the author’s identification.

d) direct citations from up to three (3) lines should be made in the text and enclosed in quotation marks (without italics); direct citations of more than three (3) lines should be made in size eleven (11), single spaced, justified, with retreat of four (4) centimeters;

e) direct or indirect citations through the text must present the reference inside parentheses, in which must appear the name of the author, when not referred in the text, followed by the year of publication of the book and page;

f) footnotes should be used only for substantive observations, and not for bibliographic references;

g) bibliography must be located at the end of the text with justified alignment in a single list in alphabetical order, obeying the latest criteria of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards;

h) work by undergraduate students will not be accepted, even in the case of co-authorship; work by master’s degree students will only be accepted if accompanied by a co-author with a higher degree.


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Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal's website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.