Fronteira México – Estados Unidos: Panorama geral
Mexico-United States border. Integration. Narcotraffick. Contraband. Terrorism. Immigration. XenophobiaAbstract
In general, the border regions is characterized as meeting points between different States, which, based on state interaction, define whether such boundary line will be defined as separation or interaction between the neighbors. Thus, as well as the similarities and differences between the United States and Mexico cause a peculiar dynamic in their interstate relations, the border that divides the two countries is also characterized by this duality. Based on that, throughout this article, an analysis of the overall picture in the border region of Mexico and the United States is developed looking for the comprehension of the border`s dynamics and its main elements, as well as the effects of such border interactions. For this, it is based on a bibliography and population data research. In order to introduce the scenario of such border is presented, firstly, the boarder formation process and, then, the current situation of the region, taking into account from physical and economic aspects to ideological and social aspects, as the processes of integration and immigration movements. Based on this analysis, it is noted the need of a greater cooperative and social integration between Mexico and the United States, in order to minimize the discriminatory movements and the discrepancy of opportunities, improving, then, the border`s scenario between these two countries.Downloads
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