The forest is a graphic park: dialogues with Mestre Zuca, an Amazonian typographer




Typography, Public university, Graphic arts, Amazon


This text is an account of an encounter with Mestre Zuca, a typographer and employee of the Federal University of Acre (UFAC). This encounter led to the conversations recorded here about his career, his training and his dedication to the UFAC Printing House over the decades. The report is based on an interview conducted in January 2024 and aims to share the story of this master and spark discussions based on it. At stake here are issues relating to typography and graphic crafts in the context of public universities in Brazil, as well as the possible relationships between the forest and graphic creation, specifically the relationship between the Printing Office and the Zoobotanical Park, both sectors of UFAC.


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Author Biography

Laura Castro de Araujo, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Graduated in Literature and Master in Literature from the University of Brasília, PhD in Performing Arts and associate professor at the Institute of Humanities, Arts and Sciences Professor Milton Santos at the Federal University of Bahia


DUA BUSE, Manuel Vandique. Una Shubu Hiwea: livro escola viva do povo Huni Kuin. São Paulo: Itaú Cultural, 2017.

IKA MURU, Agostinho Manuel Manduca. Una Hiwea: O Livro Vivo. Belo Horizonte: Faculdade de Letras/Literaterras/MEC/IPHAN, 2012.

FARIAS, Priscila Lena. Acerca del concepto de memoria gráfica. Bitacora Urbano Territo-rial, v. 27, p. 61-65, 2017.

ZUCA, Antônio Oliveira da Silva. Entrevista feita pela autora. Inédita. Acre-México, 2024.



How to Cite

Castro de Araujo, L. . (2024). The forest is a graphic park: dialogues with Mestre Zuca, an Amazonian typographer. Gutenberg - Revista De Produção Editorial, 4(2), 175–186.