Reviewing is enunciating: a possibility of enunciative theoretical qualification for text professionals


  • Felícia Xavier Volkweis Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



text editing, Linguistics of Enunciation, reviewers’ qualification


The aim of this article is to reflect on the theory of enunciation as an important theoretical framework for the qualification of text professionals, mainly reviewers and editors. For that, firstly, concepts of language, writing and text editing are viewed from the perspective of Émile Benveniste's Linguistics of Enunciation. Afterwards, through interpretative qualitative research, narratives of reviewers and authors about writing and reviewing processes are analyzed. In this analysis, with the theoretical concepts presented previously, a new meaning can be attributed to text editing, as an enunciative, intersubjective act, founded on the partnership between author and reviewer. These results corroborate the importance of knowing a linguistic theory that serves as a basis for the reviewer’s work.


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How to Cite

Xavier Volkweis, F. (2024). Reviewing is enunciating: a possibility of enunciative theoretical qualification for text professionals. Gutenberg - Revista De Produção Editorial, 4(1).