AGROECOLOGY: BASIS OF SUSTAINABILITY AGROECOSYSTEMSDiante da insustentabilidade ambiental dos sistemas de produção agrícolas na atualidade, o enfoque agroecológico surge como uma alternativa sustentável aos agroecossistemas. A ciência agroecológica trabal
Given the environmental unsustainability of agricultural production systems today, the agroecological approach is an alternative to sustainable agroecosystems. The agroecological science works with the idea of biodiversity, the interaction of various plants and animals, which should keep a crop diversification, as well as organic matter and microorganisms in the soil acting, without the use of chemical intervention. Questions which will contribute to increased productivity, for reestablishment and maintenance of balance and hence Agroecosystems, for processing and social environment in a way that it holds over time.Downloads
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Disponível em: Acesso: 20 de fev. 2012.
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