Cartography intended to data gravimetric representation
This work will be exposed to the application of thematic mapping techniques for proper representation of the gravity data, through explanation of the application isolines maps. The data used for this study are part of a database gravity from the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (IAG) and Companhia Paranaense de Energia Eletrica (Copel) Paraná, totaling approximately 9000 stations, among these geodetic data, gravity and topography. In the mapping process, first evaluated phenomenon classification in question to define the vertical intervals and points distribution analysis. Later interpolation was performed with the aid of the isolines Surfer and the representation of the final gravimetric map for the Curitiba city.Downloads
FERNANDES, V. de O. Construção de um Banco de Dados Georeferenciados para Dados Topográficos e Gravimétricos do Estado do Paraná. In: III Colóquio Brasileiro de Ciências Geodésicas, 2003, Curitiba. Anais do III Colóquio Brasileiro de Ciências Geodésicas. Curitiba: UFPR, 2003.
DENT, B. D. Cartography Thematic Map Design. 5th. Edition. WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999.
SLOCUM, T. A. Thematic Cartography and Visualization. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1999.
BURROUGH, P. A.; MCDONNELL, R. A. Principles of geographical information systems: spatial information systems and geostatistics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Wolfgang Torge. Geodesy: an introduction. Edition, 3, illustrated. Publisher, Walter de Gruyter, 2001.
KEATES, J.S. Cartographic design and production. 2ªed. New York: Longman Scientific and Techinical, 1988, 266p.
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