Metals on Syagrus romanzoffiana fruit collected in the Turvo State Park and in the buffer zone




Full protection conservation unit, Queen Palm, Heavy metals


The Turvo State Park is located in the city of Derrubadas (RS) and borders rural properties with agricultural land use, many of them use intensive pesticides and fertilizers. Metals, in turn, are found in many of these agrochemicals and, when applied to crops, accumulate in the soil and bioaccumulate in the species. In that context, this study focused on the analysis of Syagrus romanzoffiana fruit samples from Turvo State Park and from its buffer zone. The spectrometry of dispersive energy X-ray by fluorescence (EDXRF) technique, quantified metals in the pulp and seed. The main elements in the fruit (pulp and seed) include Al, K and Fe. The seed concentrates mainly Cu, Zn, Ag, Cr, Ni, Cd, Pb, Mg, Fe, Co, Mn and Ti; and the pulp is richer in Al, K and Ca. The pulp of fruits collected near the buffer zone was enriched in 60% of the analyzed elements, especially Sr, Bi, Ba, Al and Fe.


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Author Biographies

Bianca Johann Nery, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Environmental and Sanitary Engineer and Master's Degree from the Graduate Program in Environmental Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), with a focus on water resources and environmental technologies.

Malva Andrea Mancuso, Federal University of Santa Maria

Geographer from UFF (1992). Master's (1996) and Doctorate (2002) in Sciences, in the area of Mineral Resources and Hydrogeology from the IGc of USP. She completed post-doctoral studies at the National Civil Engineering Laboratory - LNEC (Portugal) (2012) and the National University of La Plata - UNLP (Argentina) (2019). She was a researcher at the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo S.A. IPT (until 2010).


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How to Cite

Nery, B. J., & Mancuso, M. A. (2024). Metals on Syagrus romanzoffiana fruit collected in the Turvo State Park and in the buffer zone. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 28, e86251.

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