Characterization of Environmental Education in Geography classes: analysis of the learning guides of ECIT João Roberto Borges de Souza in João Pessoa-PB
Environmental education, Learning guide, Teaching geography, ECITAbstract
The relationship between the teaching of Environmental Education and Geography has contributed to the discussion of the interdisciplinary role of Environmental Education in schools linked to the Geographical Sciences. Therefore, this research will characterize Environmental Education in Geography classes based on the learning guides of the João Roberto Borges de Souza Integral Technical Citizen School in João Pessoa, Paraíba. Through an exploratory study with a qualitative approach, with descriptive and explanatory analyses, the research reveals that the discussions surrounding environmental issues deal with the old and contemporary currents formulated by Lucie Sauvé (2005). In turn, it is observed that the cross-cutting themes selected by the teacher to be covered in geography, although repeated across all grades and the four school terms, are all guided by the PCN regarding the effectiveness of environmental education. However, there is an asymmetry in the content for each grade and bimester, for example, in the second-grade content. Finally, it can be concluded that Environmental Education is present in Geography teaching at the school. Part of the content complies with the National Environmental Education Policy, with only the first-grade content focused entirely on environmental discussions. In contrast, environmental issues in the other content are transversal in the second and third grades.
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