Characterization of the influence region of the Crajubar population arrangement: protagonism and exceptionality in Cariri region of Ceará
Region of influence, Crajubar, CentralityAbstract
The discussion addressed in this article seeks to characterize the influence region of the cities of Crato, Juazeiro do Norte, and Barbalha, located in the southern portion of the State of Ceará, represented in scientific literature by the nomenclature “Crajubar”. Important variables are presented, as well as their trajectory through official documents. Therefore, in the study, we tried to question the trajectory of the urban-regional influence of Crajubar and the situation of its influence region. The methodology of the work took place through the survey and analysis of official documents from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics-IBGE and cartographic production of the influence region of Crajubar. Since the first works of functional regionalization carried out by the IBGE and subsequent works, a region has been highlighted where Crajubar exerts an undisputed and continuous influence, built through a trajectory of influence and socioeconomic centrality in the dynamics of flows, which boosted the supply of specialized services.
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