Geography teaching, field education and teaching pratices at Francisco Araújo Barros High School, Itarem-Ceará
Field Education, teaching of Geography, Francisco Araújo Barros Secondary School, Lagoa do Mineiro Agrarian Reform SettlementAbstract
Field Education, linked to the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), constitutes an instrument for affirming and developing the peasant way of life, as well as being an expression of the fight against inequality in access to land. One of its greatest characteristics is based on the idea of an Education that has its practices linked to the reality in which students live daily and Geography has an important character in this construction. Thus, the objective of this text is to understand the relationship between Rural Education and the teaching of Geography at the Francisco Araújo Barros High School, which is located in the Lagoa do Mineiro Land Reform Settlement, in Itarema, in the state of Ceará, along with educational practices. The methodology was based on bibliographical research, as well as on carrying out fieldwork for the territory involved, on the construction and implementation of a Focus Group (GOMES; BARBOSA, 1999) with the school’s teachers and on an institutional visit at the Department of Education of the state of Ceará (SEDUC-CE). The article is the result of a larger research that was developed during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. As final considerations, we understand that there is a relationship of great importance between Rural Education and Geography, insofar as geographic science contributes to the critical analysis of space and to the educational and human formation of the field students
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