Analysis of natural vulnerability to soil loss in the city of Ivorá - RS
Natural vulnerability, Territorial management, Geographic Information SystemAbstract
The analysis of natural vulnerability to the soil loss is integrated part of economical ecological zoning and it considers the processes of morphogenesis and pedogenesis through the integrated data analysis from the environment such as: declivity; geomorphology; geology; vegetation; pedology and land use and occupation. In this way, the purpose of the present work was to collect, analyze and process dada from Ivora city, located in the central area of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in order to generate useful information for the territorial planning and management. For this purpose, a spatial data bases was created in an environment of Geographic Information System using the Spring software 5.5 version. Spatial analyses techniques were used with emphasis on the zonal statistics and the Raster Calculator tool. As a result, the syntheses of the information integration from geology, geomorphology, pedology, the use and occupation of the land and declivity, the map of vulnerability to soil loss is emphasized. In the city, classes of units moderated stable were found with the predominance of soil formation processes and units moderately vulnerable units with erosive processes predominating. However, the class that represented more predominance in relation to total area can be considered intermediate, were there are equilibrium from pedogenesis/morphogenesis relation.
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