Pastiche Geography
Geographic space, pastiche, matter, imaginationAbstract
This epistemological article assumes that geographic space is configured as a pastiche, even in pre-human times. It highlights the dynamism of the elements that make up the space, characterized by separating what was originally united and uniting what was once separated. Beyond this premise, it is defended that the human imagination manufactures other pastiches, either through the inability to assimilate spatiotemporal nuances, or as a political and, therefore, deliberate act. It is also defended the hypothesis that it is not appropriate to separate the plane from the material and imaginative pastiche, based on the existing reflections on the inadequacy of the division between mind and matter. Thus, it is considered that imaginative pastiches interfere with the material pastiche in a dialectical and inseparable way. This is the theoretical framework developed, which aims to discuss the pastiche essence of geographic space, addressing the mind-matter interface and presenting how spatial readings can meet a logic of power, a concept used here holistically as the ability to produce the action on others.
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