The (self)biographical method in the initial training of geography teachers
Formação docente, Geografia, Método (auto)biográfico.Abstract
The present work is linked to a doctoral thesis under construction and aims at proposing the discussion concerning the (self)biographical method as a possibility to assign a new meaning to teacher initial training in Geography. Thus, it is based on a bibliographical review referring to the following basic axes: teacher training in Geography and (self)biographical research. The (self)biographical method represents auseful way to think about teacher formation in its complexity, understanding it as a long, permanent and continuous process. In this sense, the formation of the Geography teacher is conceived not only as the exclusive result of the academic formation and the professional career of the subject, but it is also associated with the trajectory of personal, academic and professional life, since it is constituted by the diversity of knowledge from different sources. Thus, the (self)biographical narratives, which are understood as a formative device and linked to the present method, make it possible to rethink the constitution of being a Geography teacher, once they reveal the formative paths of the subjects. Therefore, the (self)biographical method, prepared through the (self)biographical narratives, may collaborate with a different look on the teacher training process and, perhaps, trigger some positive and questioning reflection regarding the principles that mark the degrees in Geography in the contemporary world.Downloads
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