Special rural retirement and the dynamization in local trade in Boa Esperança - PR
Special Rural Retirement, Promotion of local commerce, Boa Esperança - PRAbstract
The purpose of this article is to reflect about the special rural retirement impacts on the improvement in the living conditions of the beneficiaries and family, and on the dynamization of local trade in Boa Esperança town - PR. The research was developed through bibliographical studies, collection of statistical data, application of questionnaires to rural retirees, interviews with representatives of local entities and traders. The research problem is to raise the main socioeconomic characteristics of rural retirees; understand whether there have been significant improvements in the living conditions of farmers and their families after retirement; and to evaluate if the resources coming from the special rural retirement have impacted the town’s commerce dynamization. The results show that the rural retired public is formed mostly by small landowners, and that rural retirement, despite the low minimum salary, is considered by the majority of retirees as a factor of positive changes in their lives, since it generates financial stability to the family and significantly increases income. In addition, pension resources from rural pensions generate dynamism of local commerce, contributing to development processes.
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