Thornthwaite and mather climate classification in Serra do Baturité and surroundings
Climate classification, Baturité Saw, SemiaridAbstract
In landscape studies from the perspective of physical geography, it is essential to understand the climatic context of a given area, since climate is the catalyst for natural dynamics and influences the structure of soils and plant formations. In this sense, the article in question aims to present the climate classification of the Serra de Baturité-CE and its surroundings. Therefore, thermopluviometric data were gathered from research in public agencies that work with this theme. These data were tabulated and, through the chosen calculation methodology, 26 rainfall stations were classified. After classification the data were spatialized and presented through thematic map. The results showed that the mountainous relief and its surroundings present climatic variation due to the change of the altimetric levels and consequently of the temperature and the humidity of the air. Thus, it is clear that the Serra de Baturité appears as an exceptional landscape in the context of the hinterlands and that its surroundings are formed by transitional and semi-arid climatic contexts.
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