Mapping platform online applied to cartography instruction to environmental study: an example of mapping my river
mapping platform online, cartography instruction, tropical savanna enclave, environmentalAbstract
This works aims to analyse the use of mappping platform ArcGIS Online as instructional material to Cartography Instruction to enviromental study. Theoretical-methodological questions about the use of maps on the internet and the use of mapping platform in class were discussed. After action research methodology was defined, a digital material has also been developed named “Mapping My River (MMR)” that was applied at two classes on 7th grade at Municipal School Raul Veiga, located at São Gonçalo/RJ. The results showed that students had been interested and they getting involved during the activities; however, based on the MMR evaluation, 7th grade students have fallen short in their cartographic literacy at the end of their school year.Downloads
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