ABSTRACT The workshops has consistently contributed much in building the student's knowledge as to the maturity of the teacher. Thus, this paper is the result of Pedagogical Intervention Project (PPI) developed by academics from the School of Geography Unimontes - Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros aiming, among others, to strengthen teaching practice provided future teachers. The main objectives were: to introduce students to know the cardinal and collateral; Cartography while demystifying the science related to Geography; teach students better understand what a map and orient themselves with reference to water sun participated in the workshop students the average level of education of public schools following State Pirapora / Buritizeiro and MG / MG: E. E. José Maria Pereira, E. E. Fernão Dias, E. E. Colonel Ramos and E. E. Argelci Motta. Accordingly, the proposed methodological way left of bibliographic and documentary, application mapping workshop adapted Labour Completion Course Andreia Rodrigues Pandin developed in 2006 by the State University of Londrina. We used scissors, pens and four hidrocolor cardboards. The workshop that took place in the space of the building UNIMONTES campus Pirapora / MG, where some were available teaching resources, including data show, blackboard and chalk. The main outcome was observed intense involvement and participation of students in learning Cartography, unlike the little stories and experiences animators classroom study mentioned in the literature on the teaching of geographical science in elementary and middle school. The activities worked that allowed the observations were: the production of a manuscript map; construction of a wind rose in the workshop room and conducting mentoring experience by the Sun. Keywords: Cartography Workshop, Educational Project Intervention and guidanceDownloads
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