A microphysics of time
Discursive distances, Intertemporality, InterspatialityAbstract
In this text, we present some reading gestures on the problematic of the time-space of the discourses formulated in our doctoral thesis Gestures of the archive in the Metaphorical South: of the language of LGBTQIA+ law(s). We read how, at once, time is cut by the discourse of the General Linguistics Course between two orders, the static and the dynamic, the latter being excluded from the limits of its domain of objectivity. Creating difficulties for linguistics in its emergence; marking the momentary state of the determinations of language, understood by reason of the contemporaneity of its values; suturing the invisible (time) as a chain of events (causality) in opposition (absolute) to the visible time, recognized/perceived by the consciousness of the speakers; lending the character of in itself (unsystematic) to diachronic facts; the discourse of the CGL, in our interpretation, divides Time between a time outside the language, an untheorized remnant, identifiable with a diachronic past that conditions and opposes the time of the language as a synchronic present. We articulate possibilities of passage from the former to the time, let's say, present in its effects, or, more strictly formulated, from the constitutive (interdiscursive) present.
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