Canadian literature, Violence, Power, Gender, Rita Terezinha Schmidt.Abstract
Along the presente articleI discuss how gender criticism stresses power relations, pointing out the implied inequalities. In this sense, I focus on gender tension and on the way it is related to violence and oppression of some individuals because of their immersion in patriarchal gender systems, analyzing how this is represented in contemporary narratives by women in North America, mainly in Suzette Mayr`s Monoceros. Taking as my theoretical basis the work of some violence experts, such as Nan Stein, Suma Chitnis, and Melinda York, and the critical production of professor Rita Terezinha Schmidt in the Brazilian context, I point out the questioning role literature assumes as a space for unmasking the conservative status quo that perpasses the literary field. How the literary dialogues with the schooling context is also one of my interests along the article, seeing Education as a territory for debate and growth.
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