
  • Anne-Charlotte Husson Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP



Activist hashtags, Arguments-words, Articulation, Discursive-argumentative lineage, Gender.


This article focuses on two activist hashtags, #Gender and #ThéorieDuGenre, as used by the Twitter account “Veilleur sur l’actu”. It suggests considering this type of hashtags as a form of argument-words, that is, to include an argumentative perspective to the study of hashtags. Drawing from a precise case study, the author shows that the concepts of articulation (adapted from PÊCHEUX, 1975) and discursive-argumentative lineage (adapted from PAVEAU, 2006) can be used in a complementary way in order to understand the pragmatics of militant hashtags.


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Author Biography

Anne-Charlotte Husson, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP

Línguística, Análise de Discurso


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How to Cite

Husson, A.-C. (2017). ACTIVISTS HASHTAGS, WORDS-ARGUMENTS. Fragmentum, (48), 105–127.