Technological intensity, Reprimarization of exports, Competitiveness.Abstract
This paper analyses the main export products of Brazil and the states of the South region in the years 2000 and 2008, with emphasis on technological intensity and competitiveness. The products were classified under the OECD technological intensity aggregation, while the competitiveness was obtained by using the Revealed Comparative Advantage index (RCA). The analysis of the 10 main export products, classified according to NCM at 4 digit-level, showed a trend of reprimarization of exports in those states, following what occurred at country level, with both a larger presence of primary and low technological intensity products and an increased share of those products on total exports throughout the period. Regarding competitiveness, only primary and low technological
intensity products showed an increased on RCA. This results mainly from the rise of international prices of commodities, due to the emerging countries demand growth, especially in China and India
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