
  • Patrícia Andrade de Oliveira e Silva Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP



Institutions, Market-led Land Reform, Rural Areas.


Since the decade of 1990, in Brazil, new proposals for rural development have been change the landscape of these communities (by market-led land reform) through changein institutional relations, with reducing bureaucracyof processes and increaseautonomy of beneficiaries and associations. The first of the initiatives was the “Projeto Cédula da Terra” (PCT) in five states of Brazil and, in 2003, this program was included at “Programa Nacional de Crédito Fundiário” (PNCF). The objective of this paper is confirm ifinstitutional change is real, through the various published studies on the themewith view oninstitutional theory. According to the results,still persist many challenges forPCT be considereda successful project. Therefore, because of their expansion, it is necessarya stronger analysis on the projects, especially the constraints, institutional and organizational failures.


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Author Biography

Patrícia Andrade de Oliveira e Silva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP

Doutoranda em Desenvolvimento Econômico, Espaço e Meio Ambiente.


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How to Cite

Silva, P. A. de O. e. (2013). PROJETO CÉDULA DA TERRA: INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE OF THE BRAZILIAN RURAL?. Economia E Desenvolvimento, 25(1), 90–105.


