Pulp sector in Bahia: an analysis based on the application of the Sustainable Regional Development Indicator
Eucalyptus, Silviculture, Sustainability, Principal component analysisAbstract
The eucalyptus pulp industry is part of a highly competitive and relevant market for the Brazilian economy. In Bahia, specifically, there are large companies in the sector, with extensive areas dedicated to forestry, which extend over 45 municipalities located in the South and North Coast regions of the state. In this work, the objective is to identify the effect of this activity on the development of municipalities in Bahia that are directly associated with the pulp industry. Thus, the Sustainable Regional Development Indicator (IDRS) is estimated, composed of economic, social, and environmental variables, for the census years 1991 and 2010, for a set of 45 municipalities, and then the results of the indicators are applied to Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The results obtained indicate that the dynamics of development in the municipalities analyzed are related to the pulp industry, highlighting those with larger areas with eucalyptus cultivation and industrial units, revealing a capital-intensive industry that adopts economies of scale as a competitiveness strategy. It is noted that the incorporation of the cellulose sector in the studied municipalities generated a positive effect on development, associated with environmental and economic factors, but in the social sphere, there are weaknesses that compromise the sustainability of local development.
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