coconut, economic analysis, sensitivity.Abstract
This work presents the study of technical and economic feasibility of implementing a production unit in the business of processing coconut to produce coconut milk and desiccated coconut. The study concentrated on evaluating the investment required and the assessment of the productive capacity of the unit, simulated production from technical data, subsidized by obtaining a mass balance specific and with high precision. Presents the results obtained for the economic parameters, and the structuring attested in market assessment performed, with a defined policy on production, as well as markets and products of higher attractiveness (sensitivity). The simulations were obtained for the processing of 7:14 tonnes coconut processing for 8 hours. The development of the study was based on assessment of necessary investments and assessing the productive capacity of the unit, simulated production for processing 30 to 50 thousand coconuts per month (11,726 kg pulp/month) and it was the investment in a structure of 14 tons per 8 hours of operation, the best performance for the payback, IRR and NPV.
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