Process of production and distribution of wealth: theoretical confluences between Mill and Sen
John Stuart Mil, Amartya Sen, DistributionAbstract
This paper aims atdemonstratingthe theoretical convergencesbetweenJohnStuartMilland AmartyaSen.To do that, it is developed each conception about the production process in itself, in terms of its "general laws of production" for the formerand its "productive efficiency" for the last.Furthermore,it ispointed thatthere aresimilaritiesalsoin the positionsabout"wealth distribution"or "social injustice".There isa confluence ofthought,yet,related to one of the ways tominimizethedistributive inequality,through "moral evolution"or"individual’scommitment with the society".Thus,thepurposeof thispaper is to pointoutthesimilaritiesin the perspective ofboth authors, despite thedifferenttheoreticalorigin.
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