The determinants of child mortality in the paranaenses municipals between 1991 and 2010
Infant mortality, Socioeconomic determinants, Panel dataAbstract
The infant mortality rate has been decreasing in many countries in the last decades due to improvements not only in terms of income, but mainly due to social, demographic and basic services. This study aims to identify the relationship between fertility rate, illiteracy rate, proportion of the population served by garbage collection and general water network, income and Gini index with the infant mortality rate. To this end, information from the Human Development Atlas was collected for the 399 municipalities of Paraná, referring to the census years, and an econometric model with panel data was estimated. The obtained results are mostly in agreement with the theoretical and bibliographic reference. In fact, the estimate for water supply network was the only incongruous result, presenting a non-statistically significant positive value. Thus, it can be concluded that improvements in basic services, health care, education, and the increase and better distribution of income are related to the reduction in the infant mortality rate and public policies should be directed to such sectors.
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