The impact of innovative culture on micro and small enterprises of the Program Local Innovation Agents in Santa Catarina
Innovation, Micro and small enterprises, Radar of innovationAbstract
The specialized literature does not separate micro and small enterprises. Despite the small size, the dimensions are different. This article presents two objectives that complement each other. The first is to analyze the results of the initial cycle (zero) for the cycle one of companies participating in the program ALISC of SEBRAE and CNPQ. The initial period of this phase is in 2015 and ends in 2018, and the data show the performance of companies that are in all regions of the state by two size ranges: micro and small enterprise. Taking advantage of this separation, the data are analyzed and compared according to these two size ranges. The results show that the two sizes have similarities and few differences. The results show that micro and small companies follow a strategy of market approximation, with greater performance of the dimensions Network and Relationship.
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