Competitive insert of the brazilian industry of capital goods (IBBK) in the international market for the period 2008-2016
Import, Capital Goods, International Insertion, competitivenessAbstract
The present study analyzed the insertion in the international market of the Brazilian capital goods industry in the period 2008-2016. More general descriptive analyzes were carried out on the values of imports, exports, trade balances, participation in total international flows, main trading partners. We also calculated the index to measure the coverage rate, revealed comparative advantages and market share. The results showed that Brazil is a net importer of capital goods and consistently presents deficits in the trade balance of the sector. Only the transportation subsector performs positively and has accumulated trade surpluses. Brazilian exports and imports of all subsectors analyzed are concentrated in few countries. Among the main buyers of capital goods in Brazil are Argentina, the United States and Chile.Downloads
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