Economic and solidarity issues and their influence on the survival of solidarity economic enterprises in the southern region of Brazil
Solidary Economics, Alternative Economics, Logit modelsAbstract
Gaiger (2007) developed the Coefficients of High and Low Solidarity and Entrepreneurship, in order to verify the relationship between the solidary and entrepreneurial dimensions of Solidarity Economy Enterprises (EES). The purpose of this article is to use such coefficients as explanatory variables for the survival of the ESS between the First and Second Mappings. For this, a Logit model is used. It is verified that the capacity to obtain credit and the decisions taken by all the partners acts to increase the survival of the ESS, while the daily participation in the management of the enterprise, the inability to pay the expenses of the year, the non-existence of benefits for working partners and the absence of collective activities reduce the likelihood of such survival occurring.Downloads
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