The emergence of the Mechanical Engineering outsourcing sector in the Brazilian automotive industry.


  • José Lanes de Melo Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
  • Enéas Gonçalves de Carvalho Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
  • Karine Cardoso de Meira Faculdades Santa Cruz, Curitiba, PR, Brasil



Mechanical engineering, Outsourcing engineering, Car industry


The development of the products in the Brazilian car industry has created a new sector of car mechanical engineering outsourcing. The improvement of the adaptation of car models generated in Europe and in the United States to the Brazilian demand conditions and infrastructure expanded the work market for the national car mechanical engineering until the 1980’s. The commercial opening in the 1990’s – allowing the importation increase and the coming competitors – impressed a more accelerated rhythm to the development of models. The subsequent demand expansion contributed for the appearance of genuinely national models and technology, as the motors of low piston displacement engines. This dynamization of the aggregated demand has contributed for the consolidation of a new segment of car mechanical engineering outsourcing responsible by around 30-35% of the product development project of the car industry – which is characterized by the presence of national and multinational companies, with broad and specialized servicing lines and, as a consequence, with size heterogeneity, occupying a highly skilled work forces. The present work shows a historical evolution of that segment and its current structural characteristics.


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How to Cite

Melo, J. L. de, Carvalho, E. G. de, & Meira, K. C. de. (2005). The emergence of the Mechanical Engineering outsourcing sector in the Brazilian automotive industry. Economia E Desenvolvimento, (17).


