Chilean economy: Example to be followed?
Economical growth, Distribution of income, Chilean economyAbstract
The Chilean economy can be considered a peculiar case in Latin America, because in little more than 20 years, Chile increased 209%, with expressive balance macroeconomic and attraction of FDI. That study has for objective to identify as the economical growth presented in the last years it affected the intra-regional distribution and the level of poverty of the Chilean economy, starting from the calculation of the index of Gini and of the poverty indicators and poverty. It is ended that in relative terms the distribution of income, in national level, stayed in the same landings, and in regional level, it was verified improvements in some areas, especially in those that presented intense growth, impelled by the exports. In relation to the incidence of the poverty, it was verified that in national level, as well as in regional level there was an approximate reduction of 2/3 in the last 13 years.Downloads
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