Beef exportations from Mercosur countries in the period from 1986 to 2004: An analysis of Constant-Market-Share
International trade, Cattle, Bovine flockAbstract
In recent years, the crisis of the european sanitary monitoring system, after the surtos of EEB (Encefalopatia Espongiforme Bovine) and aftosa, and the consequent diffidence of the consumer in relation to the quality of the produced meat, had opened space for the consumption of imported meat. In this context, countries as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay had conquered competitiveness in the world-wide market of bovine meat. The present work has for objective specifically to analyze the performance of the exportations of bovine meat of the Mercosul countries in the period from 1986 to 2004. In such a way, the Constant-Market-Share model was used, and it allowed to decompose the growth of the exportations in four effects, which are, growth of the world-wide commerce, composition of the guideline, destination of the exportations and competitiveness. It was verified that the competitiveness effect was the one that more contributed for the growth of the product exportations. The growth of the world-wide market also contributed in positive way, however in lesser degree. The destination effect of the exportations, that relates to the markets of the countries exportation, showed to be negative, contributing to reduce the exportations of bovine meat.
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