Terms of trade and commercial guideline in he Brazilian economy, 1973-2003


  • Ricardo Rondinel Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
  • Natalia Froeming




Terms of trade, Commercial guideline, Brazilian economy


This article is structured in two sections. In the first section, the methodological aspects of the work are treated, as the definitions of TIL, TIB and PCX. The primary data used in the investigation were collected in the FUNCEX (Foundation Center of Studies of the External Trade) and they refer to indexes of prices and quantum of the exports and imports with monthly data from 1974 to 2003, classified by use categories and for sectors of the economy, in accordance with classification of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic (IBGE). In the second section, it is presented the analysis of the data and results of the investigation about terms of trade and power of purchase of the exports. The main conclusion is that during the period of the investigation there was a half deterioration of 9% in the TIL. But in spite of that, there were a great effort exporter of the country and the TIB they improved in stocking 138%, that is to say there was a great effort exporter in the country. 


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How to Cite

Rondinel, R., & Froeming, N. (2004). Terms of trade and commercial guideline in he Brazilian economy, 1973-2003. Economia E Desenvolvimento, (16). https://doi.org/10.5902/141465093443


