Industrial policy for the automotive industry between 2000 and 2015
Automotive industry, Industrial policy, EconomyAbstract
This study aims to analyze the impact of theIndustrial Policy on the performance of theBrazilian automotive industry. Given theimportance of this activity for the nationaleconomy, it has been verified that since the 1950sthe sector has benefited from governmental actsto encourage activity. In this context, this paperdescribed the introduction of that industry in thenational economics environmental, its historical evolution, the main industrial policies developedduring the analyzed period, as well as their impacton the growth and economic development ofthis industry. The methodology used to carryout this study is the descriptive, exploratory andqualitative research that allowed the analysis ofthe main performance indicators of the national automobile industry. A statistical tooling was alsoused to perform the correlation test between themain variables of the sector. Finally, it was verifiedthat the employment of the industrial policies inthe analyzed period had short-term effects in thatindustry, with growth peaks followed by gradualdecreases in the supply and demand of vehicles in Brazil.Downloads
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